USA Adventure Seeker

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Experiencing post trail depression? I get it. I got you.

Post trail depression, feeling low, lack of energy or simply post adventure bummers.

Whatever you wanna call it, it can be tough settling back into your ‘normal’ routine after spending months completing a long distance thru-hike.

It’s OK to feel what you are feeling and you aren’t alone. You have spent months being the best version of yourself. Burning through the miles and endorphins, all whilst being surrounded by a welcoming community of like-minded people with a shared goal.

It’s nice to be home and see everyone, sure. But you have changed and you are not the same person you were when you left. It’s hard to replicate trail life in everyday life and it’s easy to isolate yourself, however this may not be the best thing for you in the long run. 

Daily habits to help improve your well-being after a thru-hike.

Here are a few daily habits to help improve your well-being when you return home. Why not try it for 30 days and track your progress? Take what you need from the list and make it your own.

Popular hiking trails

If you need inspiration for your next hiking adventure, check out the popular trails below.