Helpful planning tools.

Planning a long distance trip is hard work.

Lighten the load with these easy to use tools, helping to get you one step closer to day one of your adventure.

Quick links:

Female hiking the Appalachian Trail

How much does it cost to hike the PCT, AT or CDT?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question! Budgets range anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 (USD).

  • For example, a seasoned hiker with all the gear (who may take four months to complete the trail), will have a lower budget to someone hiking the PCT in 5-6 months and needs to buy everything.

To get a rough idea of your individual budget, have a play around with the ‘Thru-hike budget calculator’. 

Your budget will be calculated by breaking down the following key areas:

  1. Gear

  2. Travel costs

  3. Food re-supply

  4. Town days

  5. Side trips and other

  6. Post hike

Thru-hike budget calculator.

  • You will be directed to Google Sheets.

  • Start with the ‘User notes’ tab and follow the instructions.

  • Make a copy of the sheet and update the relevant fields in the numbered tabs (1 to 6).

  • Once you have completed all the tabs, your budget will be displayed on the ‘My budget’ tab.


How much does it cost to cycle across the USA?

Planning a long distance bike touring trip is a lot of fun, however trying to work out how much money it’s going to cost? Not so fun.

Bike touring is all about winging it and enjoying the freedom of not having to book accommodation ahead - just hit the road and see where you end up.

To get a rough idea of your individual budget, have a play around with the ‘Bike touring budget calculator’. 

Your budget will be calculated by breaking down the following key areas:

  • Gear

  • Travel costs

  • Food

  • Accommodation

  • Side trips & other

Bike touring budget calculator.

  • You will be directed to Google Sheets.

  • Start with the ‘User notes’ tab and follow the instructions.

  • Make a copy of the sheet and update the relevant fields in the numbered tabs (1 to 5).

  • Once you have completed all the tabs, your budget will be displayed on the ‘My budget’ tab.


Hiking the PCT in Oregon

How much money can I save every month?

‘I love saving money’ said no-one. Ever.

To make it that bit easier to calculate how much money you could save every month, have a play around with the 'Monthly savings calculator'.

Monthly savings calculator.

  • You will be directed to Google Sheets.

  • Start with the ‘User notes’ tab and follow the instructions.

  • Make a copy of the sheet and update the relevant fields in the ‘My monthly outgoings’ tab.

  • Once you have updated all of the fields with your outgoings, the total amount you can save will be displayed on the ‘Monthly savings’ tab.