Pacific Crest Trail.
California, Oregon & Washington
2,650 miles
4 - 6 months
What is the Pacific Crest Trail?
Why hike the PCT?
Trail map and elevation profile
Location of north and south trailheads
Pacific Crest Trail Association
Frequently asked questions
Closest international airports
Why hike the Pacific Crest Trail?
Trail obstacles
Permit application - it can be difficult to get the permit dates you want, due to the large number of people applying - 2 x opportunities available (typically November and January).
Disappearing trail angel houses - in researching the PCT, you may have read about iconic places to stay, hosted for free by beloved trail angels - Scout and Frodo, Hiker Heaven, Case de Luna. Due to the increase in thru-hikers, trail angels are no longer able to host the large numbers that are on the trail.
Hiker Heaven is bookable via Airbnb - open for 2021 hiking season
Pacific Crest Trail Map.
Trail map source: Colorado Trail Foundation
Elevation Profile.
Elevation profile source: Schillingsworth Shop
How to get to North and South Terminus.
North Terminus:
From XX:
South Terminus:
Campo, California
Official Trail Organisation.
Check out the official trail organisation’s website for the latest trail information, maps, events and more.
Pacific Crest Trail Association
The PCT is managed by the Pacific Crest Trail Association, responsible for
Be a part of the community and join the ‘Colorado Trail Class of’ Facebook group and connect with fellow hikers who are planning to hike the same year as you.
Frequently asked questions.
When is the best time to hike the PCT?
XX - X month hiking season
Hike northbound or southbound?
NOBO (Mexico to Canada) is the most popular direction to hike
How long will it take?
Everyone is different on a long distance hike like the PCT, with people taking anywhere from 4 - 6 months. Hiking over 2,500 miles is unpredictable and ..
Fitness level and total number of miles you want to cover on a daily basis
Total number of nero days (low number of miles hiked) and zero days (0 miles hiked) you take
Side trips you may want to take
Do I need a permit?
Is the trail well marked?
How easy is it to re-supply?
Is public transport available?
How is the water availability?
Is the trail busy or quiet?
The PCT has significantly increased in popularity. In 2019, the PCTA issued almost 8,000 permits
Closest international airports.
>> Guide to the closest airports you can fly in/out of when planning your trip <<
NOBO: Mexico to Canada
OUTBOUND: Travelling to the USA
Fly into multiple airports around LAX - including
INBOUND: Travelling from the USA
Fly home from XX
SOBO: Canada to Mexico
OUTBOUND: Travelling to the USA
Fly into XX
INBOUND: Travelling from the USA