Mike, Tennessee.

Hi, I’m Mike (or Worm if we’ve met on trail). I’m originally from Oregon, but have been living in Tennessee for the last 5 or so years. In addition to my 2020 thru-hike of the Colorado Trail, I’ve hiked the Arizona Trail, John Muir Trail and Pacific Crest Trail.

When not hiking you’ll likely find me playing music or planning out a new adventure.

Next hike? Two trails that really have my interest are the Hayduke Trail and Great Divide Trail. I’d also love to do some trekking in Nepal.

My Colorado Trail.



  • July 13th - Aug 9th 2020

How long did it take?

  • 28 days

Start and finish location?

  • Start: Denver, CO

  • Finish: Durango, CO

Group or solo?

  • Solo.


How many zeros and where?

  • 1 x zero day

  • Salida, CO


Describe your experience in one word or phrase.

  • Mountainous!


Favourite item of gear and why?

  • Katabatic Palisade Quilt

  • It is so soft and luxurious and warm - I always look forward to crawling into it at the end of a long day!


Luxury item?

  • Not sure if I really had a luxury item (base weight @ 9.5lbs)!

  • Perhaps my large Thermarest NeoAir Xlite. I could easily save a few ounces going with a smaller/lighter sleeping pad, but I don’t want to!


“Best part.”

In my experience these are the two best parts about thru hiking: spectacular sights and amazing people. Heading southbound on the CT saves the San Juan Mountains for last, and these mountains are breathtaking.

The stretch of trail from San Luis Peak to Durango had me taking so many photos! And although I hiked the majority of the trail alone, there are always people along the way that make your hike special.

A highlight was two amazing trail angels providing trail magic near Silverton. And another highlight was running into several of the same trail crew I had met two weeks prior at a hostel when I returned to Salida after my thru hike.


“Unexpected part.”

I wasn’t expecting to spend as much time hiking alone. I kept hearing that there were tons of people on trail (many more than usual due to COVID) but I saw far fewer than I had expected.


“If I could do it again, I would _____”

I’m not sure if I would change much. I might consider doing a later season trip, perhaps starting around mid August, hopefully avoiding monsoon season and catching some fall colors.

What advice would you give to people thinking about hiking the CT?


Just go do it!

If this is your first thru hike, don’t worry about having it all together beforehand - you’ll learn a lot along the trail and there are always towns where you can pick up (or more likely, get rid of) gear.

Just bring enough food to get to your first resupply point, download Guthook, and start walking. Thru hiking is an amazing experience and I can’t wait for you to get out there and see for yourself!

Learn more about the Colorado Trail.

Pad & pen.png

Why hike the CT?

Introduction to the highlights of the trail.

Trail & elevation map.

Who doesn’t love a trail map?!

Location of North & South Terminus

How to get to the trailheads.


When, what and how of the Colorado Trail.

Closest airports.

Guide to closest airports to fly in/out of.


Long Trail - Maggie, Virginia